Программирование аркадных игр и обучение информатике

Программирование аркадных игр
и обучение информатике

Lab 16: Final Lab

There are two options for the final lab. A “video game option” and a “text adventure option.”

16.1 Video Game Option

This is it! This is your chance to use your creativity and really show off what you can create in your own game. More than just passing a test, in this class you actually get to do something, and create something real.

Video: Fall 2015 Game Projects
Video: Summer 2015 Game Projects
Video: Spring 2015 Game Projects
Video: Fall 2014 Game Projects
Video: Spring 2014 Game Projects
Video: Fall 2013 Game Projects
Video: Fall 2012 Game Projects
Video: Spring 2012 Game Projects

This final lab is divided into three parts. Each part raises the bar on what your game needs to be able to do.

37.1.1 Requirements for Part 1:


37.1.2 Requirements for Part 2:

For Final Lab Part 2, your game should be mostly functional. A person should be able to sit down and play the game for a few minutes and have it feel like a real game. Here are some things you might want to add:

37.1.3 Requirements for Part 3:

For the final part, add in the last polish for your game. Here are some things you might want to add:

16.2 Text Adventure Option

Not interested in a video game? Continue your work from the “Adventure!” game.

37.2.1 Requirements for Part 1:

  1. Rather than have each room be a list of [description, north, east, south, west] create a Room class. The class should have a constructor that takes in (description, north, east, south, west) and sets fields for the description and all of the directions. Get the program working with the new class. The program should be able to add rooms like:
    room = Room("You are in the kitchen. There is a room to the east.", None, 1, None, None)
    room = Room("You are in the living room. There is a room to the west.", None, None, 0, None)
    Later the program should be able to refer to fields in the room:
    current_room = room_list[current_room].north
  2. Perhaps expand the game so that a person can travel up and down. Also expand it so the person can travel northwest, southwest, northeast, and southeast.
  3. Add a list of items in your game.
    1. Create a class called Item.
    2. Add fields for the item's room number, a long description, and a short name. The short name should only be one word long. This way the user can type get key and the computer will know what object he/she is referring to. The description will be what is printed out. Like There is a rusty key here.
    3. Create a list of items, much like you created your list of rooms.
    4. If the item is in the user's room, print the item's description.
    5. Test, and make sure this works.

37.2.2 Requirements for Part 2:

  1. Change your command processing, so rather than just allowing the user to only type in directions, the user will now start having other options. For example, we want the user to also be able to type in commands such as get key, inventory or wave wand.
    1. To do this, don't ask the user What direction do you want to go? Instead ask the user something like What is your command?
    2. Split the user input. We need a variable that is equal to the first command they type, such as get and a different variable equal to the second word, such as key.
      1. Use the split method that's built into Python strings. For example:
        command_words = user_command.split(" ")
        This will split what the user types into a list. Each item separated out based on spaces.
      2. Update your code that processes the user typing in directions, to check command_words[0] instead of whatever you had before.
  2. Add a get command.
    1. Add a check for a get command in your if/elif chain that is now just processing directions.
    2. Search the item list until you find an object that matches what the user is trying pick up.
    3. If the object isn't found, or if the object isn't in the current room, print an error.
    4. If the object is found and it is in the current room, then set the object's room number to -1.
  3. Add a command for “inventory” that will print every object who's room number is equal to -1.
  4. Add the ability to drop an object.
  5. Add the ability to use the objects. For example “use key” or “swing sword” or “feed bear.”

37.2.3 Requirements for Part 3:

Expand the game some more. Try some of these ideas:

  1. Create a file format that allows you to load the rooms and objects from a file rather than write code for it.
  2. Have monsters with hit points.
  3. Split the code up into multiple files for better organization.
  4. Remove globals using a main function as shown at the end of the chapter about functions.
  5. Have objects with limited use. Like a bow that only has so many arrows.
  6. Have creatures with limited health, and weapons that cause random damage and have a random chance to hit.

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