Arcade Türü Oyun Programlamayı ve Bilgisayar Bilimleri Öğrenin

Arcade Türü Oyun Programlamayı
ve Bilgisayar Bilimleri Öğrenin

Download all these examples along with supporting files in a zip file:

Lab 16: Longer Game Examples

Shows the beginnings of how to create a grid of letters to be used in a word search.
Two players bounce a ball back and forth with paddles. Requires two joysticks to work.
A simple version of Breakout. This also shows how to do a "Game Over" message.
Sprite Sheets - A multi-file example that shows a platformer using sprite sheets. Sprite Sheets

Videos of games created by students after taking this course. Fall 2013

Videos of games created by students after taking this course. Fall 2012

Videos of games created by students after taking this course. Spring 2012

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