Answer the following, assuming a program uses the linear search:
# --- Put your definition for linear_search right below: # --- Now if the function works, all these tests should pass: my_list = [4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 7, 6] r = linear_search(my_list, 3) if r == 1: print("Test A passed") else: print("Test A failed. Expected 1 and got", r) r = linear_search(my_list, 2) if r == 2: print("Test B passed") else: print("Test B failed. Expected 2 and got", r) r = linear_search(my_list, 10) if r == -1: print("Test C passed") else: print("Test C failed. Expected -1 and got", r)
Answer the following, assuming a program uses the binary search, and the search list is in order:
# --- Put your definition for binary_search right below: # --- Now if the function works, all these tests should pass: my_list = [0, 3, 5, 12, 18, 50, 70, 78] r = binary_search(my_list, 3) if r == 1: print("Test A passed") else: print("Test A failed. Expected 1 and got", r) r = binary_search(my_list, 5) if r == 2: print("Test B passed") else: print("Test B failed. Expected 2 and got", r) r = binary_search(my_list, 10) if r == -1: print("Test C passed") else: print("Test C failed. Expected -1 and got", r)
def detect_positive(list): for element in list: if element > 0: return True else: return False